Invitation to Participate

The Middle Georgia Regional Airport (MCN) is seeking proposals from aviation focused individuals and/or businesses (“Proposers”) interested in leasing exclusive rights to the defined complex which includes hangar space, office space, and storage space available beginning June 1, 2024. These instructions are not intended to completely define the proposed contractual relationship between the Proposer and Macon-Bibb County (“COUNTY”), but rather provide direct information necessary for completing the proposal package.

The County will receive sealed bids in the Procurement Department, Suite 308, Macon-Bibb Government Center, 700 Poplar Street, Macon, Georgia 31201, until 12:00PM EST on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Respondents to this solicitation shall provide the Original Proposal and 3 Copies along with Flash Drive. No proposals will be accepted after this designated time. Proposals will be publicly opened in the Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department Conference Room on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 2:00 pm. at 700 Poplar Street, Suite 308, 3rd Floor, Macon, Georgia 31201.


The deadline to submit questions is Friday, March 29, 2024, by 3:00 p.m. Questions must be emailed to

A pre-bid conference is scheduled for 10:00 o’clock a.m., March 27, 2024, at Middle Georgia Regional Airport, 1000 Terminal Drive, Suite 100, Macon, GA 31216. This pre-bid is non-mandatory. Social distancing measures will be strictly enforced.

  • 24-016-LH, MCN Hangar and Complex – RFP
  • 24-016-LH, Attachment A

Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal should be submitted in separate envelopes.

Responses must be sealed and identified on the outside of the package as and delivered to

24-017-LH, The Leasing of Hangar Space at Middle Georgia Regional Airport
Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department
700 Poplar Street
Suite 308
Macon, Georgia 31201

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